Primary school children in Frizington have raised over a thousand pounds by getting outside and taking part in The Big Lent Walk.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School involved the whole school community in their challenge.

Pupils, parents, family members and staff logged their walks during lent and reached a combined total of 2784.5km, which is the equivalent of walking from the school to Rome.

To mark the end of the challenge, parents and family members joined the children and staff to enjoy a 5km walk on March 28.

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Acting Head Teacher Georgina Mawson said “We are very proud of everyone who took part in the challenge and want to say a big thank you for all the generous sponsorship donations.

"The children enjoyed exploring the outdoors on our 5k walk and this was a great opportunity to bring the whole school community together.”

A total of £1050 was raised for the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD). CAFOD helps support people living in poverty in hard to reach places and warzones.